The Talone Tree
What does it mean to be part of the Talone family? You're the last alive in the family and its time to investigate the truth behind your grandparent's huge estate.
note: there are some audio desyncs in browser mode. Sorry about that. The controls are clicking and pressing E or Q. Usually higher up objects can be clicked on like the fuse box or the painting!
Small puzzles unfold as you explore the Talone manor leading you down unexpected paths and meeting unlikely allies. As you progress, you'll receive less and less hints as to what to do. To discover the secrets laid to rest here, you must have a keen eye!
As you explore, the music will change to better fit the environment you're in.
The game follows Norbert Oswald Talone (N.O. Talone for short). Upon inheriting your grandparent's property, things quickly start going wrong and a puzzle begins to unfold. Discover what you can, and be ready for the consequences.
Please do not try to place objects outside the map, you will have to start again!
If you get stuck, consider what dialogues you've seen thusfar. Something about a sink? Maybe you need a wrench. Need to reach the attic? Yellow light shines through instead of blue! Looking for a green book? Watch the TV!
"You are not alone"
All music, art and programming is our own. Developed by two people. Some SFX recorded ourselves, others mixed and manipulated for the game.
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PS: If you get stuck, here's some hints. They are ordered, so dont spoil it!
Hint 1: After the power goes out, you must find the fuse box and then follow the blue wire which comes out of the top of it around the edge of the map.
Hint 2: Once you turn the power back on, there are three coloured bookshelves. Find all 3 books! Check the screenshots for further hints..
Hint 3: There's something on the floor in one of the basement rooms. You'll know because you can highlight it. Use this item in the kitchen under the sink.
Hint 4: When you enter the boiler room, increase the pressure of the boiler.
Hint 5: Stuck in the basement? Try picking up that painting in the boiler room.
Hint 6: Can't figure out what the flashing green icon is? Push the bookcase into it.
Hint 7: Struggling to find something to fit the plug in the office? There are hints on the wall.
Hint 8: What does in the mysterious table? Well there's only one item in the room... so find both!
Hint 9: After following the mysterious trail, find what you're looking for in the same place as the pliers at the start.
Hint 10: Find a door on the side of the house that you may have not noticed before. It requires two keys that you should already have!
Hint 11: Pickup the candles and place them into the circles.
Hint 12: Struggling to find all four notes? Check the bathroom, the bedroom, the office and the room with the prison cells.
Hint 13: Place that weird object onto the pedestal in the creepy room.
Hint 14: Struggling to find the Attic? Yellow light shines through onto the floor next to a fallen box. You'll need to place step ladders below the crack in the ceiling and climb them by walking onto them.
Hint 15: The crowbar can be found in the basement
Hint 16: Walk to the front door of the house to finish!
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